
Dry Utility Services provides comprehensive dry utility management from site acquisition studies and utility plan submittals to utility design and contract negotiations and easement coordination. We're here when you need us from securing will-serve letters to utility inspection approval and meter sets.  

Our extensive menu of consulting services typically fall within the following categories:

  • Dry Utility Survey & Site Evaluation 
We provide quick, accurate, and valuable insight for due diligence and pre-planning studies. In addition to identifying site specific existing dry utilities, we can determine the opportunities, constraints, requirements, and responsibilities associated with the provision of projected utility services. Our evaluations provide valuable budgeting and scheduling information for our Clients to incorporate into site acquisition and project feasibility studies. By identifying dry utility service options and requirements at an early planning stage, our Clients are better informed in making overall project decisions.


  • Master Infrastructure & Planned Area Development Dry Utility Planning
We provide comprehensive analyses and planning recommendations for large area developments with backbone streets, mixed use parcels, and/or complex industrial centers.  We minimize client expenditures and construction delays by recommending utility design options, phasing recommendations, identifying utility company capacity and extension requirements, and maintaining critical path schedules for all dry utility improvements. For large area and mixed use developments, we ensure planning and implementation of comprehensive and efficient dry utility systems so that all project needs are addressed. 


  • Project Dry Utility Coordination
For project management and coordination (for projects such as single and multi-family residential, strip retail and commercial centers, single parcel, and major retail, commercial, and industrial centers), our services include thorough utility plan submittals and detailed coordination to expeditiously obtain utility company designs. We analyze the designs with our Clients and address potential conflicts prior to final design and construction. Our guidance through the utility design process ensures improvements are planned for efficiency and cost-effectiveness with regard to overall project aesthetics. We also negotiate and process contracts, right-of-way documents, and easements that are all reviewed for accuracy and to be in the best interest of our Clients. 

  • Special Requests
In addition to our typical scope of services, we welcome specific consulting requests such as tariff applications expertise and client advocacy before governmental agencies and utility companies. Please contact us if you need assistance with a specific dry utility related issue or would like additional information on our general services.

Our expertise in managing the complex and time consuming utility coordination process is what makes us and our Clients successful.